Brite Monthly – Elementary: April 2025
This Month’s Biblical Theme Is: Jesus Loves Us
Jesus was betrayed by His followers, beaten and died a cruel and torturous death. When He died, He took all of our sin on Himself and paid the ultimate price for our sins. As God, death would not defeat Him. Jesus rose from the dead! If we believe in Him for our salvation, we can be with Him forever! Jesus not only forgave us like He did Peter but wants us to have eternal life with Him. Jesus loves us!
Monthly Memory Verse: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Peter’s Denial (Matthew 26:36–75, Luke 22:54–62)
Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Peter followed but denied knowing Jesus three times. When the rooster crowed, Peter left and wept.
Brite Idea: Jesus loves us no matter what.
Jesus Put on Trial (Matthew 27:1–2, 11–26)
Jesus was brought before Pilate. Pilate wanted to set Jesus free but the crowd chose the prisoner Barabbas instead. Innocent, Jesus was beaten and sent to the cross.
Brite Idea: Jesus loves us so much He took our place.
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (Matthew 27:28–66; 28:1–10)
Jesus was nailed to a cross and He died. Jesus was placed in a guarded tomb sealed with a giant stone. Three days later, the tomb was miraculously empty and the resurrected Jesus appeared. Jesus is alive!
Brite Idea: Jesus died and rose again.
Peter is Restored (John 21)
Jesus appeared to the disciples as they were fishing. When they recognized Jesus, Peter swam to Jesus. Jesus loved and forgave Peter, restoring him to ministry.
Brite Idea: Jesus gives us grace.
This month’s Unit Title is: True or False?
Have you ever been questioned about your faith? This theme helps kids know the truths about God in a fun True or False way. To decorate, cover your space this month in eggs, jelly beans and PEEPS™! Make giant peeps or garlands out of eggs. Fill vases full of glittery eggs. Consider having a month-long competition where kids can guess how many jellybeans are in a jar. Announce the winner of the jar at the end of the month.
Check out our Pinterest page for more ideas at True or False?
This Month’s Leader Training Topic is: Connecting while Responding and Correcting
TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) offers some ideas that can increase connection even while correcting a child. As connection with a safe adult increases, the child’s felt safety will also increase. (Check out to learn more!)
Throughout the month, we’ll explore the following:
- Week 1: Power of Yes
- Week 2: Connect Before You Correct
- Week 3: Redo
- Week 4: Listen
Teaching Kids about the Gospel
The Gospel is the good news. God wants everyone to know this good news and not miss out on this invitation!
Here’s the Gospel in four words: God, Us, Jesus, Trust.
God is a loving God who is all-powerful and holy. He knows and sees everything and rules over everything. God created all people in His image, and we are valuable to Him.
But we have sinned, and our sin separates us from God. What is sin? Sin is anything we think, say or do that disobeys God. The penalty for sin is death and separation from God forever.
But because God loves us so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus died in our place. But He did not stay dead—He rose again three days later. Because of Jesus, we no longer have to be separated from God, and we are offered the free gift of eternal life!
God gives salvation—rescuing us from our sin, to everyone who places their trust in Jesus as their Savior. What is trust? It means that we rely on what Jesus did. You cannot be saved from sin by doing good things but only through what Jesus did for you.