Brite Monthly – Elementary: February 2025

This Month’s Biblical Theme Is: Jesus Knows Us

The message that God knows us is reinforced over and over again in the Bible. Jesus told a group of His followers not to worry because God knows what they need. Jesus knew the heart of the woman who anointed His feet with oil and loved her deeply despite her sin. Knowing Peter’s fear when they were walking on water together, Jesus rescued him. Jesus wanted His disciples to know Him and see Him as their Rescuer just like God wants us to know Him.

Monthly Memory Verse: O Lord, you have searched me and known me! (Psalm 139:1)

Do Not Worry (Matthew 5:1; 6:25–34)
Jesus told a group of followers that God provides for the birds and the flowers and He will take even better care of us. We don’t need to worry but keep our focus on Him.
Brite Idea: Jesus knows us.

Jesus is Anointed (Luke 7:36–50)
A woman who was known to live a sinful life came and poured expensive oil on Jesus’ feet. She washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. Jesus told everyone that this woman had been forgiven much so she loved much.
Brite Idea: Jesus knows what we’ve done and loves us.

Peter Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22–33)

Jesus walked on the water towards the disciples during a storm. Peter walked on the water to Jesus. He began to sink and cried out to Jesus, who immediately rescued Him.
Brite Idea: Jesus knows our fears.

Peter’s Confession (Matthew 16:13–23)
Peter recognized Jesus as God. Jesus praised Peter and said, “On this rock, I’ll build my church.” Jesus then foretold of His death and resurrection.
Brite* Idea: Jesus wants us to know Him.

This month’s Unit Title is: Up All Night

Decorate your space using lots of pillows and twinkle lights. Consider having kids wear their pajamas or host a stuffed animal sleepover where all the kids drop-off a stuffed animal that will sleepover at church! Take silly photos of the stuffed animals getting into shenanigans and make a slideshow to show the kids later.

Check out our Pinterest page for more ideas at Up All Night

This Month’s Leader Training Topic is: Keep Your Group Flowing

One of the best ways to manage behaviors is to manage the rhythm of your group from beginning to end. Keeping the pace moving and consistent keeps kids engaged. This month we will look at how to best manage the flow of your group time by looking at the following topics:

Throughout the month, we’ll explore the following:

  • Week 1: Beginning Well
  • Week 2: Successful Transitions
  • Week 3: Pacing Your Lesson
  • Week 4: Ending well
Teaching Kids about the Gospel:

The Gospel is the good news. God wants everyone to know this good news and not miss out on this invitation!

Here’s the Gospel in four words: God, Us, Jesus, Trust.


God is a loving God who is all-powerful and holy. He knows and sees everything and rules over everything. God created all people in His image, and we are valuable to Him.


But we have sinned, and our sin separates us from God. What is sin? Sin is anything we think, say or do that disobeys God. The penalty for sin is death and separation from God forever.


But because God loves us so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sin. Jesus died in our place. But He did not stay dead—He rose again three days later. Because of Jesus, we no longer have to be separated from God, and we are offered the free gift of eternal life!


God gives salvation—rescuing us from our sin, to everyone who places their trust in Jesus as their Savior. What is trust? It means that we rely on what Jesus did. You cannot be saved from sin by doing good things but only through what Jesus did for you.