Brite Monthly – Preschool: October 2024

This month’s biblical theme is:

God is mighty

After many hard-fought battles, God allowed His people to enter the promised land, though they did not remain faithful to him. The Israelites would cry out to God when they needed help and He would raise up a judge to rescue them. This cycle continued over and over again until the Israelites demanded a king. Throughout all of the hardship they created for themselves, God showed them repeatedly that He was the one true God, worthy of their worship.

Monthly Memory Verse: The Lord is…a mighty One who will save. (Zephaniah 3:17a)

Rahab (Joshua 2, 6)
Rahab rescued the two spies sent in by Joshua to the land of Jericho. She and her family were rescued as the Israelites marched around Jericho and took the land when the walls crashed down.

Brite idea: God is mighty.

Gideon (Judges 7)
God used Gideon in a mighty way. Gideon, someone whom no one would expect, went from an army of 32,000 men to 300 men for God to show how powerful He is. Gideon trusted in God and the Israelites had victory in an unexpected way.

Brite idea: God works in mighty and unexpected ways.

Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
Ruth followed her mother-in-law Noami to Judah after her husband died. Ruth worked in a field of a man named Boaz who was very kind to her. Boaz and Ruth got married and had a son named Obed. Jesus would be born generations later from Obed’s family.

Brite idea: God is mighty even when we are hurting.

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
David, though young, heard the taunts of the Philistine Goliath. He knew God would deliver him and offered to fight the giant Goliath. David, with rocks and a sling, went to battle with Goliath and had victory. God was with him and delivered the Israelites from the Philistines.

Brite idea: Nothing is mightier than God.

This month’s unit title is: Mighty!


This month, we are embracing that God is mighty! Embrace the inner superhero in you! Incorporate vibrant colors, superhero-themed banners and go big with a gotham-style city-scape. Up the ka-pow! factor with a fun photo booth with comic book work props.

Check out our Pinterest page for more ideas at

This Month’s Leader Training Topic is: Discipling the Next Generation

Discipleship takes time, engagement, and intentionally. Through discipling the next generation down to preschoolers, you are a part of life transformation. Discipleship can be hard to measure at times. Some kids may show a huge growth spurt in their faith, knowledge, and relationship with God. Others may seem like they aren’t even listening. Take heart, for you are doing the good work of helping kids know and love who Jesus is. Show up each week knowing that you are making a difference in the lives of the church leaders to come.

Throughout the month, we’ll explore the following topics:

  • Week 1 Content—Engaged and Present
  • Week 2 Content—Planting Seeds of Faith
  • Week 3 Content—Partnering with Parents
  • Week 4 Content—Making Disciples
Teaching Kids about the Gospel:

The gospel is the good news. God wants everyone, even preschoolers, to know this good news.

Here’s the Gospel in four words: God, Us, Jesus, Trust.


God is a loving God who is all-powerful and great. He knows and sees everything, and rules over everything. God created all people in His image, and we are special to Him.


But we have sinned, and our sin separates us from God. What is sin? Sin is anything we think, say or do that disobeys God.


God loves us so much, He sent His one and only Son, Jesus. Jesus came to save us by dying on the cross for our sins. Jesus rose again three days later and is alive!


God gives salvation, rescuing us from our sin, to everyone who places their trust in Jesus as their Savior. What is trust? It means that we rely on what Jesus did.